劇場及舞台科藝課程 (EMIA 2220)
Jointly offered by EMIA and MTPC, this 3-credit Technical Theater Arts course (EMIA2220) explores the backstage world of theater production. Students will investigate how the various technical disciplines collaborate to develop into a stage production. They will also be hands-on hardware and software that is used in a real-world performance and presentation. Knowledge about the roles and procedures of front-of-house in the theater will also be covered to let students have a holistic view on theater operation. (EMIA2220 was previously known as EMIA2500A. The course is subject to CUS’s approval in Jan 2025.)

- Date/Time : Feb 8, 15, 22, Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Apr 5, 12, 26 (10:00-13:00)
May 3 (Capstone Project Preparation: 09:00-18:00)
May 6 (Capstone Project: 09:00-14:00)
**(back up capstone project) May 7 (09:00-14:00) or
**(back up class) May 10 (10:00-13:00)
- Duration : 13 weeks including capstone project
- Venue : Shaw Auditorium
- Target Students : Students from all schools
- Quota : 25
- Assessment : written test, field trip report, capstone project, attendance

- Lectures on the theories behind stage design and technologies
- Demos of the stage setup, and hands-on practice of related skills
- Discussions and case studies on specific technical topics
- Backstage tour of performance group and theater
- Capstone project on a theater production
Interested students should submit the online application form by Jan 20, 2025.
Selected applicants will be notified to attend an interview on Jan 22 at 11:00 on the campus if the number of applications exceeds the class quota. The results will announced via email by Jan 22, 2025.
We encourage applicants to submit a self-introduction video (under 3 minutes) for our reference. Your video may cover the following topics:
- An introduction of yourself
- Your reasons for taking this course
- Any relevant background
- The area you find most interesting (lighting, audio, or stage management)
For enquiries, please contact
Students who successfully complete this course will be invited to join the MTPC Technical Team as student helpers at the Shaw Auditorium to participate in the daily operation of the theater and provide backstage support for performances and events.